“How am I doing?”
How many times have you checked sales daily during a product launch with that question in mind, guys?
Lots, I am sure. Perhaps you check metrics hourly. Ouch. Any attachment to outcomes reflects your fears back to you because any focus on outcomes pulls you away from the love of serving people (love) toward the fear of self-service (“how am I doing? Will I have any people to help?” etc.etc..)
Ego is your worst enemy because it uses trickery, smoke, and mirrors to explain why you need to obsess over outcomes during product launches.
Maybe your ego says why launch a course if you have no people to help? Or you only focus on outcomes daily because you want folks to help through your course, right?
Sorry; both questions focus your attention and energy on fear of loss, like, you fear you will have no one to help, then, the course is a failure.
But if you focus 99.99% of your attention and energy on the process, versus outcomes, something neat happens: you purify your intent, feel amazing if nobody signs up, and carry on releasing the course, presenting the course for the joy of teaching, being genuine, authentic and trusting that, long term, sales will increase….because sales ALWAYS increase, but, on a long term basis.
Trade Short Term Ego-Desire-Attachments for Long Term Success
Your ego says, “I need to sell X eBooks before so and so date because of so and so far I am afraid of.” But your heart knows you will sell a ton of eBooks over the long haul. So….relax.
The Universe does not do things according to your ego desire, but the Universe does things according to a perfect, all-knowing, cosmic plan most beneficial to you and every human being.
Guaranteed. Every time.
I never get attached to product launches because short term sales fluctuations – or lack thereof – have nothing to do with long term success.
Relax. Chill. Detach from checking stats daily; it’s an ego con game. Guess what happens if nobody buys your stuff over 1 month?
Absolutely nothing! Guess what happens after 1 year? More people buy your stuff. Wait until the 2-year mark. Even more, people buy your stuff. Serious, lasting, meaningful ventures, require your generosity, patience, persistence and trust in self.
Get Lost in the Process of Creating and Connecting
I give virtually zero energy to profits and 99.99% of my energy to creating helpful content and to building strong friendships with fellow bloggers.
How does this feel? Fun. What’s the chief benefit? All the content you create and friends you make not only detaches you from outcomes but also helps you make more money through the launch, long term.
Keep doing what brings you the most blogging success. Help people generously. Create content.
Build connections. Every creation and connection aids in giving exposure to your newly launched product but also gives you a big boost in terms of earning profits through your 5, 10 or 20 income streams.
Don’t Stop Promoting Your Entire Budding Blogging Empire!
I promote ALL of my income streams every single day to keep my overall profits flowing, to keep feeling abundant and to keep me totally detached from a new product launch.
You can have 20 blogging income streams open, but if you only promote your new product launch for a week, and nothing else, it’s like viewing the world through a pinhole.
Never solely promote your new product launch because this fear-based attachment puts all other income channels on hold, stalling your overall blogging profits.
Developing this type of abundant mindset detaches you from a launch, helps you make more money and cultivates a calm, relaxed, peaceful frame of mind which accelerates your overall profits.
Do you want that sweet calm, confident vibe that top bloggers exude? I wrote an eBook to help you raise your vibe to a stable, relaxed, profitable level. Buy it here:
Law of Attraction Series: 5 Tips to Raise Your Level of Vibration
Smash those Twitter and Facebook Share buttons on the eBook page. Let’s help more people feel calm, confident and prospering, shall we?
Ryan Biddulph
Ryan Biddulph inspires with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks, paperbacks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.
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2 thoughts on “3 Tips to Remain Detached During Product Launches”
Hey Ryan & Chayan,
We should really invest our energy in crafting powerful and helpful content because informative content liked by google and your audience too. And you know it lead to thrive healthy relationship with community as well as mass.
If you have worthy things for people than people will really going to like and hence it will improve your self confidence. Eventually, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar
Thanks, Amar for your lovely comment.