Submit A Guest post

Want to contribute your post? Why not? We are accepting free and  paid guest posts with simplefactsonline with the 3 following topics.

  • Digital Marketing 
  • Blogging 
  • SEO


Guest Posting Guidelines

  1. We only accept article related to blogging, seo and digital marketing. So please do not send us any other posts
  2. Article Should Be Atleast 2000 words
  3. Unique Contents Only(We Review Every Post And Approve The Appropriate )
  4. Make sure you are using relevant  graphics(Images/ Info-graphics/Videos) with your post. 
  5. Make Sure There Is Resolution In Your Article. Which means, if you are talking about “SEO Tips”, after reading the article , the reader should get a direction

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Send An Email To Remember that we do manual review of each posts. So please bear with us.

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