In this Interview, Sazzadul Bari has shared his journey, plans, and strategies that he follows to grow his online ventures.
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Hello Mr.Sazzadul Bari Welcome to simplefactsonline, tell us something about yourself?
Sazzadul Bari: It is my privilege and honor to have such an opportunity to give an interview, and I am thankful to you guys.
Hi friends, this is Syed Sazzadul Bari, corporately Sazzadul Bari, a digital marketing strategist by profession at WPManageNinja and also the man behind BlogCD, and WPFame, specializing in content writing and lead gen.
I am a full-time jobholder who has started blogging back in only one year past.
The core purpose of starting BlogCD is to cover almost all possible aspects of human needs that can provide value to my readers.
Currently, in BlogCD, I have started with blogging basics, WordPress, and marketing kinds of stuff.
Hopefully, I will expand the arena of my resources that could bring more benefits to my readers in the best possible way.
So Sazzadul, what was on your mind before choosing a domain name? The name blog cd is unique and, at the same time, grabs the attention. Did you do any research before selecting this domain, or it happened just like that?
Sazzadul Bari: Pretty interesting question, though!
The searching domain now and then is like my hobby.
Still now, whenever I get a chance, I search for finding a new domain.
I may not buy it, but I like to explore new areas. At least I would take note, at least.
When I was planning to start a blog, I decided to select a domain name for my blog.
As I had a habit of the searching domain, I found BlogCD at a point and noted it earlier.
Later, when I wanted to start a blog, I just took it as my preference.
You are an experienced Digital Marketer. What changes have you seen over these years?
Sazzadul Bari: Video marketing is gaining demand over time.
Moreover, voice search is another incredible thing that will create a new dimension to the online search.
SEO is continually evolving as we see Google updates its algorithm several times.
Now, you need to expand your marketing arena with different channels.
Moreover, we may have to think about the new search engine apart from Google.
Tell us more about the strategies that you use for your blog?
Sazzadul Bari: Currently, I try to follow a straightforward strategy as I’m a full-time job holder.
Mostly I give time on content marketing instead of creating more content.
Moreover, I usually create content 2 days a week and the rest of the time, I do market them on different social media channels.
Basically, I focus on quality over quantity. That’s my core strategy for my blog.
Share your way of blog writing. We liked this article "The Best Ways to Increase Website Traffic on Your Site." How long did you take to complete this article?
Sazzadul Bari: Oh, it was my favorite topic that I covered with my full enthusiasm. Though I don’t have enough time, I researched and eventually crafted in 3-4 days consecutively.
SEO is the most diverse and important subject in Digital Marketing. What is your SEO checklist for blogs? Also, let our readers know about video SEO.
Sazzadul Bari: Thanks for the question.
For me, I try to follow some essential SEO checklist for my blog.
Before I start writing a blog post, I search for the primary keyword as a target keyword.
In this case, I try to use low competitive long-tail keywords, understanding the search intent and user’s perspective.
Moreover, using short URL, compelling title, tagline, and description, proper use of H1, H3, H3 tag, an image with an alt tag, and so on.
These are some of the fundamental SEO checklists that I try to follow for blogs.
In the case of video SEO, it almost a pretty similar process for video.
Though I haven’t started video content for BlogCD, I do work on video SEO for my company WPManageNinja.
In this case, I try to research keywords for the channel. We use YouTube as a proper platform for its scalability.
We try to maintain the most relevant title, description, tags, thumbnail, and so on. Next, come to the video record and optimization. Apart from organic reach, we try to focus on promoting our videos through social media and blog posts. These are some pretty basics that we concentrate on WPManageNinja.
Are you actively publishing your content in any other medium? Maybe a youtube channel in the future?
Sazzadul Bari: Currently, I do write for 20+ renowned websites as a guest author. In BlogCD, I haven’t started video on YouTUbe yet, but of course, I have a plan for the future.
How did you feel after receiving your first online income?
Sazzadul Bari: I got my first online income through freelance writing. It was definitely one of the pleasing moments ever happened in my life.
How do you use social media and email marketing? I know this is something our readers would love to know.
Sazzadul Bari: Well, I use social media to promote my articles. In this respect, I deal with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, so far.
Hopefully, I will expand this arena in the future. Still, I’m not actively doing email marketing but planning to be consistent with it.
Can you let us know about your plans with blogcd? We can see that you have the option "Submit A Guest Post." Anything exciting coming up in a few days?
Sazzadul Bari: I want to make BlogCD as one of the best authority sites that would share almost all the possible aspects of human needs.
Currently, my articles mostly focus on numerous topics such as Blogging, Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, WordPress, Web Hosting, Adsense, Money Blogging, and much more. In the future, I will expand the area of writing gradually.
I have kept an opportunity for quality writers who want to write for BlogCD and show their excellency. I’m still working on the coming up project. Hopefully, everyone will know shortly.
Your advice to someone who is thinking about influencer marketing?
Sazzadul Bari: I’m not an expert on that, but I can share my knowledge about it.
I think influencer marketing is an integral part of social media and content marketing.
Because things are highly dependable for each other.
One noticeable thing about influencer marketing is it’s not limited only to celebrities and a few dedicated bloggers these days. Now, influencers are rising, saturating the market, and even get caught up in fraud.
Share your journey with BlogCD so far.
Sazzadul Bari: The journey with BlogCD wasn’t smooth, rather a bit challenging.
Since I do a full-time job, it was a matter of balancing on both ends. However, I like to take the challenges as the fruit of passing a problem is luscious.
Final question, any special tips you want to share with our readers? Most of them are future bloggers. How should they do time management?
Sazzadul Bari: To each novice blogger, do experiments on everything related to blogging.
Accomplish your style that suits you as a blogger.
Don’t start a blog solely for money, but learn how to make money with a blog in a proper sense.
Don’t copy other fellow bloggers blindly; instead, you can follow the successful bloggers and learn what the best suits you.
As per the time management, I’m still struggling with that part.
I think there is no rock-solid predefined way for managing time.
It depends on person to person.
Try to make a balance with blogging, doing a job(if anyone has), and personal life.
After all, we’re doing all these to live a happy and balanced life.
Thank you so much, Sazzadul, for sharing your experience and expertise with us. Keep up the splendid work you are doing.
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2 thoughts on “An Interview with Sazzadul Bari, Founder of BlogCD”
Hey Chayan,
The rapid transformations on the landscape of IT and Telecommunication in recent decades have given encouragement to video marketing to a great level.
Today, it is considered as one of the most popular tactics for online marketing. Undoubtedly, Google is the most preferred search engine which people across the world use to find anything concerning them.
YouTube is the goldmine for Google that helped it in earning. Therefore, marketing strategy must be crafted keeping an element of fun and humor embedded in it to make some real and visible gain. Eventually, thanks for exploring.
Thanks & Regards,
Amar Kumar
Thank you Amar for your lovely comments